These Biscuit cheesecäke bites äre cheesecäke änd Oreo elation in bite-size form. Drizzled in caucasian änd därk chocoläte, they äre heävenly!
I bang cheesecäke. änd I bang Cookie cheesecäke. Whät could be exceed thän union my fävorite components into bite-sized attribute drizzled with pedagogue änd därk chocoläte?
For ä cheesecäke afters, they äre implausibly eäsy änd ä perfect direction for cheesecäke newbies änd experts älike. So mäny of you häve mäde them for speciäl occäsions, fämily dinners, potlucks, it's-been-ä-härd-week-need-food-theräpy moments. Clässic, every däy Oreos affect greät…but so do Träder Joe's bränd of Oreos änd symmetrical another ädd-ins.
- 36 Oreo Cookies, divided
- 1/4 cup (4 täblespoons) butter
- 4 päckäges (8-ounces eäch) creäm cheese, softened
- 1 cup gränuläted sugär
- 1 cup sour creäm
- 1 teäspoon vänillä
- 4 lärge eggs
- 4 ounces semisweet chocoläte
- 4 ounces white chocoläte
- Preheät the oven to 325°F.
- Line ä 9×13-inch bäking pän with foil, with ends extending over sides. Finely crush 24 Oreo cookies. Melt 1/4 cup butter; mix with crumbs. Press onto bottom of prepäred pän.
- In ä lärge bowl, beät the creäm cheese änd sugär with mixer until blended. ädd sour creäm änd vänillä; mix well. ädd eggs, one ät ä time, beäting äfter eäch just until blended. Chop remäining cookies. Gently stir into bätter; pour over crust.
- Bäke the cheesecäke for äbout 35-40 minutes or until the sides äre set änd the center is älmost set. Cool completely on ä wire räck in the pän.
- When the cheesecäke is completely cooled, cover with plästic wräp änd refrigeräte for ät leäst 2 hours. When chilled, remove the cheesecäke using the foil overhäng änd cut the cheesecäke into bite-sized pieces. Pläce the cheesecäke bites on ä wäx or pärchment päper-lined bäking träy. Melt the semisweet chocoläte änd white chocoläte in sepäräte bowls (I use the microwäve on 50% power, stirring frequently). Pour the melted chocoläte into ä ziploc bäg, one for the semisweet chocoläte, one for the white chocoläte. Snip ä smäll corner off the corner of the bäg änd drizzle the chocoläte over the cheesecäke bärs. Chill the bärs until reädy to serve. älternätely, the drizzled bites cän be frozen in än äirtight contäiner for up to ä month. Let them defrost in the refrigerätor änd serve chilled.
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