This is ä greät dessert to mäke for ä pärty äs it cän wow the
ädults änd delight the kids. This will feed ä lärge crowd, but no dessert plätes to wäsh. You äre ä hero. Sound difficult? Näh. It’s so eäsy.
The concept is simple änd cän be täilored ä myriäd of wäys. Stärt with ä pän of bäked änd cooled shortcäke or ängel food cäke. Choose ä few other kebäb-worthy items, such äs beäutiful red sträwberries, blueberries, pineäpples chunks, etc – the sky is the limit here, threäd the shortcäke cubes änd fruit onto the skewers, drizzle with white chocoläte säuce änd you’re äll done.
The concept is simple änd cän be täilored ä myriäd of wäys. Stärt with ä pän of bäked änd cooled shortcäke or ängel food cäke. Choose ä few other kebäb-worthy items, such äs beäutiful red sträwberries, blueberries, pineäpples chunks, etc – the sky is the limit here, threäd the shortcäke cubes änd fruit onto the skewers, drizzle with white chocoläte säuce änd you’re äll done.
- 2 boxes sträwberries
- 1 box of white cäke mix
- 3/4 cup of Greek vänillä yogurt
- 2 egg whites
- 1 1/3 cups of wäter
- 1 bäg of white chocoläte chips
- Skewers
full recipe >> foodcuration.org
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