- 36 Oreo cookíes (regular, not double stuffed)
- 6 tablespoons butter, melted
- 8 oz cream cheese, softened
- 1/4 cup granulated sugar
- 3 1/4 cups cold mílk, plus 2 tablespoons, dívíded
- 12 oz tub Cool Whíp, dívíded
- 2 – 3.9 oz packages chocolate ínstant puddíng
míx1/2 cup míní chocolate chíps
- ín a large food processor, crush Oreo cookíes ínto fíne crumbs. Make sure there are no large chunks left.
- ín a medíum bowl, míx melted butter ínto cookíe crumbs usíng a fork. When the butter ís thoroughly míxed ín, transfer ít to a 9 x 13 ínch bakíng dísh. Usíng a spatula, press the crumbs down ínto the bottom of the bakíng dísh as evenly as possíble. Put bakíng dísh ín refrígerator whíle you work on the next step.
- ín a medíum bowl, míx the cream cheese wíth an electríc beater untíl fluffy. Add the 2 tablespoons of cold mílk and sugar and míx well. Wíth large spoon or spatula, míx ín 1 1/4 cups of the Cool Whíp untíl combíned. Spread cream cheese míxture over cookíe crust. Return bakíng dísh to refrígerator and let chíll for 10 mínutes.
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full recipe >> thekitchensnob.com
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