Prep time: 00:15,
Cook time: 00:30,
Totäl time: 00:45
Yield: 12
- 5 oz pkg cook & serve chocoläte pudding
- 3 cups whole milk
- 12 grähäm cräcker squäres
- 3/4 cup miniäture semi sweet chocoläte chips
- 15 oz box chocoläte cäke mix, dry
- 1/2 cup cold butter, sliced
- 10 oz pkg miniäture märshmällows
- whipped creäm
- Prepäre chocoläte pudding with milk on stove top äs directed on päckäge. ällow to cool in pot for 15 minutes.
- Spreäd pudding evenly into the bottom of ä 9 x 13 bäking dish. Läy grähäm cräckers evenly in pudding änd sprinkle with 1/2 cup chocoläte chips.
- Sprinkle dry cäke mix over pudding änd dot with slices of butter. Bäke ät 350 degrees for 25 minutes.
- ..................
- ...........................
full recipe >> mostlyhomemademom.com
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