These heàrty, soft ànd pillowy Blueberry Streusel Cookies tàste just like blueberry muffin tops ànd couldn't be simpler to màke!
- 1 box blueberry muffin mix (I used Krusteàz)
- ¾ cup old-fàshioned oàts (not instànt)
- ⅓ cup + 2 Tbsp cànolà or vegetàble oil
- ¼ cup brown sugàr
- 1 egg, beàten
- 2 Tbsp milk
- 1 &1/2 cups powdered sugàr
- 2 Tbsp melted butter
- ½ tsp lemon peel
- 2 tsp lemon juice
- 1-2 Tbsp milk
- Preheàt oven to 375 degrees F. Line 2 bàking sheets with silicone liners or pàrchment pàper. Set àside.
- In à làrge bowl, combine the muffin mix - just the dry mix, oàts, oil, brown sugàr, egg ànd milk ànd stir together until à soft dough just bàrely comes together. Dràin ànd rinse the cànned blueberries; gently fold into the dough to combine.
- Portion rounded, heàping Tàblespoonfuls of dough onto the prepàred bàking sheets. Bàke for àpprox. 8-10 minutes, rotàting pàns hàlfwày through bàking time to ensure even cooking. Cool on the sheets completely.
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Full Recipe >> thedomesticrebel.com
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