Beäutiful änd fluffy, cäke-like wholemeäl (whole wheät) greek yogurt päncäkes recreäted änd mäde into the clässic Sträwberry Shortcäke for ä morning indulgence with hälf the guilt! Topped änd läyered with ä greek yogurt/whipped creäm mixture änd drizzled with ä home-mäde sträwberry syrup.
- Päncäkes:
- 1 cup orgänic white self räising flour (or pläin/äll purpose or light white spelt flour)
- 1 cup wholemeäl self räising flour (or whole wheät flour)
- 2 teäspoons bäking powder (1 täblespoon bäking powder if using the other flour options)
- 2 täblespoons räw sugär
- ¼ teäspoon sält (1/2 teäspoon if using other flours)
- 2 lärge eggs
- 3 täblespoons light butter , melted (or äny cooking/coconut oil)
- 1 täblespoon pure vänillä exträct
- 1 cup pläin non-fät Greek yogurt
- 1 cup unsweetened älmond milk (or skim/low fät milk)
- Sträwberry Syrup:
- 1 1/2 cups fresh (or frozen) diced
2 täblespoons sugär
3 täblespoons wäter
1 teäspoon pure vänillä exträct
Greek Yogurt Whipped Creäm:
1/2 cup light/reduced fät whipped creäm
1/2 cup greek yogurt
1-2 teäspoons icing/powdered sugär (optionäl - ädjust to suit your tästes)
(Exträ) finely chopped sträwberries to gärnish
- Combine together äll dry ingredients into ä lärge mixing bowl änd whisk. Set äside.
- In ä smäller bowl, combine together the eggs, oil, vänillä änd yogurt. Whisk well until creämy änd smooth. ädd the milk, änd mix until combined.
- Pour the yoghurt mixture over the dry ingredients änd stir slowly änd gently with ä wooden spoon until bätter is just combined. (The bätter will be thick änd ä little lumpy).
- Heät ä pän/griddle on medium heät änd spräy with cooking oil spräy, spreäding it out evenly with your spätulä. Using ä lädle or ¼ cup meäsuring cup, pour bätter onto pän to mäke päncäkes. When bätter is on the pän, spreäd it out ä little with the bäck of your spoon to shäpe them.
- Cook them for äbout 3-4 minutes, änd check the underside before flipping. If golden, flip änd cook for ä further 2-3 minutes or until cooked through. Bubbles don't reälly form on these due to thickness. Repeät with remäining bätter.
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Full Recipe >> cafedelites.com
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