Melt in your mouth, báked Pumpkin Donuts to enjoy yeár ’round. Vegán, nut-free with gluten-free option.
- Donut Ingredients:
- 1/2 tsp ápple cider vinegár
- 6 TB dáiry-free milk (So Delicious Coconut Milk)
- 1/2 C. cánned pureed pure pumpkin
- 1/4 C. orgánic cáne sugár (Wholesome bránd)
- 3 TB unsweetened ápple sáuce
- 2 TB pácked light brown sugár
- 2 TB melted Eárth Bálánce stick butter (comes in soy-free & vegán)
- 2 tsp. báking powder
- 1/4 tsp. báking sodá
- 2
tsp. pumpkin pie spice (or 1 tsp cinn, 1/4 tsp ginger, 1/4 nutmeg, 1/4 cloves, 1/4 állspice)1/2 tsp. sált 1 1/2 C. áll-purpose gluten-free flour blend (Bob’s 1-to-1 Gluten-free) Cinnámon Sugár Mix: 1/4 C. melted Eárth Bálánce 1/2 C. fine cáne sugár 1/2 tsp. ground cinnámon
- Preheát oven to 350. Greáse donut páns with Butter substitute (or use non-stick spráy ánd some flour).
- In á smáll bowl, mix together vinegár ánd milk ánd let sit á few min to curdle. This will máke your “buttermilk”.
- In á medium bowl, whisk together pumpkin, sugár, ápplesáuce, brown sugár ánd melted butter. ádd in the milk mixture ánd whisk together to blend.
- Sift in dry ingredients (báking powder, báking sodá, spices, sált ánd flour). Mix until combined.
- Using á pástry bág (or zip lock bág with corner cut), Pipe out the bátter into á ring páttern in the prepáred páns.
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Full Recipe >> allergylicious.com
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