Wáke up to these flávorful ánd eásy to máke Spicy Egg ánd Potáto Breákfást Burritos!
- For Potátoes:
- nonstick cooking spráy
- 1 lárge red potáto, cut into 3/4-inch cubes
- 1/2 lárge onion, chopped
- 1 tbsp extrá virgin olive oil, plus more for jálápeno
- 2 tsp chili powder
- 1 tsp cumin
- 1/2 tsp oregáno
- 1/4 tsp gárlic powder
- sált
- pepper
- 1 jálápeno
- For Eggs:
- 8 lárge eggs
- 2 tsp extrá virgin olive
For Burritos: 4 lárge (10-inch) flour tortillás 1 cup shredded pepper jáck cheese sálsá or hot sáuce, optionál
Prepáre potátoes:
Prepáre potátoes:
- Preheát oven to 425 degrees. Spráy á lárge báking pán with nonstick spráy.
- In á zip top bág (or medium bowl), combine potáto, onion, olive oil, ánd spices, plus sált ánd pepper to táste. Mix well.
- Spreád seásoned potátoes on báking pán in á single láyer.
- ádd jálápeno to báking pán; lightly drizzle with olive oil.
- Spicy Egg ánd Potáto Breákfást Burritos ... á delicious vegetárián breákfást recipe thát's á greát wáy to stárt your dáy! Máke this eásy recipe ás hot or ás mild ás you prefer. It's the perfect portáble morning meál! | Hello Little HomeSáve
- Roást potátoes ánd jálápeno for 15 minutes.
- Remove from oven; flip potátoes ánd jálápeno, then return to oven.
- Báke until potátoes áre cooked through, ábout 10 to 15 minutes more.
- Remove from oven; seáson with ádditionál sált, if desired. Set áside.
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Full Recipe >> hellolittlehome.com
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