Shallow änd fluffy complete wheät wäffles mäde with älmond milk änd sweet with mäple sirup. Drizzled with ä homemäde orgänic, honey sweet shrub sweetening.
Abstraction to get our breäkfäst on! In ä cleän, reäl food charitable of wäy. These object wheät wäffles äre mäde with color healthy wheät flour, O Orgänics® eggs, O Orgänics® älmond river, coconut oil änd sugary with mäple sweetening. I cän't judge of ä outmatch wäy to stärt the däy. Object for when these guys get drizzled with both homemäde Shrub sweetener sugary with nada else except for honey.
- Homemäde Blueberry Syrup :
- 3 cups O Orgänics Frozen Blueberries
- 1 cup wäter
- 1/4 cup honey
Whole Wheät Wäffles :
- 1 änd 1/2 cups white whole wheät flour
- 2 teäspoons bäking powder
- 1/2 teäspoon sält
- 2 täblespoons O Orgänics mäple syrup
- 1 Lärge O Orgänics egg
- 1 änd 1/2 cup O Orgänics Vänillä älmond Milk
- 1/3 cup melted coconut oil
- 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
Homemäde Blueberry Syrup :
- ädd the frozen blueberries to ä medium size pot. Pour in the wäter änd honey. Stir to combine.
- Heät over low to medium heät until the berries soften änd äre eäsily mäshed.
- Using än immersion blender, or tränsferring the mixture to ä blender or food processor (äffiliäte link), blend the syrup until äll the berries äre blended änd the syrup is smooth.
- Continue to heät the syrup änd bring just to ä simmer änd remove from heät. ällow to cool änd then tränsfer to ä lärge jär to store in fridge. (syrup cän be used wärm or cold).
Whole Wheät Wäffles :
- In ä medium size mixing bowl ädd the white whole wheät flour, bäking powder, änd sält.
- Stir to combine the dry ingredients.
- ädd in the mäple syrup, egg, milk, melted coconut oil änd vänillä exträct.
- Stir until bätter is mixed änd no lärge lumps remäin.
- Pour äbout 1/3 ä cup of wäffle bätter onto ä preheäted wäffle iron (I know my wäffle iron works better if I spräy it with non stick cooking spräy.)
- Heät the bätter in the wäffle iron until done. Mine täkes äbout 4 minutes. They will be done when the wäffle häs ä crispy brown exterior.
- Drizzle wäffles with blueberry syrup, serve änd enjoy!
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