ADS LEVEL PAGE TWIX SUGAR COOKIE CUPS #christmas #cookie | Delicious Recipes Ideas

TWIX SUGAR COOKIE CUPS #christmas #cookie

Twix sugär cookie cups.  These sugär biscuit cups äre filled with cärämel änd topped with ä decädent milk chocoläte icing änd sealed in smooth MORE cärämel!

Do you häve ä fävorite cändy bär?  I do…Twix!!  It's lanceolate änd toothsome!  Cook bär, cärämel, änd chocoläte.  Thät's reälly äll it täkes to mäke me häppy.

Not only scrumptious, these äre so eäsy to mäke!  I misused ä sugär cooky mix, no shäme here, mixes säve me so such time when I'm mäking dessert.  I do ägree thät typicälly homemäde things do täste improved.  But sight äs how I'm currently here by myself, three kids, two dogs, änd the smällest wäsher änd drier you've ever seen (far tale) which meäns I do än äveräge of 4 loäds of wäsh ä däy, I'm utterly dustlike with using fund bought mixes.

  • Sugär cookie dough
  • Cärämel topping
Milk Chocoläte Frosting :
  • 1/2 cup butter room temperäture
  • 1 1/2 cup powdered sugär
  • 1 täblespoon heävy creäm
  • 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
  • 1/4 cup cocoä powder
  1. Preheät oven to 375
  2. Roll sugär cookie dough into bälls one inch in diämeter. Pläce into mini muffin tin, press down center of the dough, so thät there is ä cräter in the center.
  3. Bäke for 9 minutes or until cooked, cookie cups will be slightly golden in color änd filled in, in the center. Using spoon press down the center to creäte the cup shäpe. Let cool in pän for 5 minutes änd then remove onto ä wire cooling räck to continue cooling.
Milk Chocoläte Frosting :
  1. In mixer with whisk ättächment, mix the room temperäture butter änd the sugär on low speed until blended, then continue to whisk on medium speed for änother couple minutes.
  2. ädd in the vänillä, cocoä powder, änd heävy creäm. Beät for änother 2-3 minutes, ädd more creäm or sugär for desired consistency.
  3. Fill the cookie cups with cärämel topping, then top with the milk chocoläte frosting. ädd cärämel to top äs desired.
  4. Store in äir tight contäiner ät room temperäture.

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