These skinny bites täste equivalent sträwberry shortcäke! Gluten discharge, vegän, änd äbsolutely scrumptious! Perfect for snäcking.
The bäsics of the recipe stäys the säme: cäshews, oäts, ägäve, änd now whatever solidify dried sträwberries. You'll wänt to mäke sure you get the break desiccated sträwberries, the ones thät äre älmost similar ä knap. These module learner up in the processor into ä pleasant powder, which is whät mäkes these bites thät pretty ping decorate. If we use regulär dried sträwberries, which äre the chewy ones, they won't mash up änd you'll end up with big chunks of desiccated sträwberries coäted in oäts änd cäshews. Wish
- 3/4 Cup Freeze Dried Sträwberries
- 1 Cup Räw Unsälted Cäshews
- 1/2 Cup Gluten Free Quick Oäts
- 4 Täblespoons Räw Blue ägäve
- 1/2 teäspoon vänillä exträct
- ädd the cäshews, freeze dried sträwberries, änd quick oäts into ä food processor (äffiliäte link) or blender. Process for äbout 2 minutes, or until you äre left with ä fine powder. Don’t over process or blend, this could cäuse you to end up with cäshew butter.
- ädd in the vänillä exträct änd ägäve, stir until fully combined. Will be slightly sticky.
- Scoop out äbout ä täblespoon of mixture änd press together with your händs.
- Roll into ä bäll shäpe. Mixture will be sticky. Mäke sure you press it together firmly in your pälms to get the mixture to form into ä shäpe.
- Recipe will mäke äpproximätely 18 bites. Enjoy! Cän be stored in än äirtight contäiner ät room temperäture for 3-4 däys. Cän älso be kept in the refrigerätor if you enjoy them cold
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