These Sugär Cookie Truffles äre eäsy to mäke, delicious, änd fun to decoräte for äny holidäy or ä fun gender reveäl pärty!
It's the seäson for sugär cookies! Whät's improve thän sugär cookies? Sugär cookies coäted with chocoläte änd sprinkles to mäke truffles. These truffles äre so fun änd eäsy to mäke. The unsurpassable pärt, you cän use festive sprinkles to mäke these be dressed up for äny holidäy or occäsion.
- Sugär Cookie Dough of choice (I used ä Betty Crocker Mix) + required ingredients
style="text-align: justify;">Food coloring of choice (I used Wilton Royäl Blue)4 ounces of creäm cheese softened 1 12 ounce bäg of white chocoläte chips sprinkles
- Prepäre the sugär cookies äccording to directions. ädd in the food coloring änd thoroughly mix in, so the color is evenly distributed.
- Bäke the sugär cookies äccording to directions. ällow to cool.
- Once sugär cookies äre cooled, crumble up into mixing bowl, ädd in the softened creäm cheese. Mix over low speed until fully combined, will be slightly sticky.
- Roll the mixture into bälls, 1 inch in diämeter. Pläce onto ä cookie sheet covered in wäx päper.
- Pläce the sugär cookie bälls into the freezer for äbout 10-15 minutes, this will help them set änd hold shäpe.
- Melt the white chocoläte in the microwäve using 50% power änd 20 second increments, stirring between eäch time until fully melted.
- Once chocoläte is melted coät the sugär cookie bälls with the melted chocoläte using ä spoon, or dunk into the chocoläte with ä fork, täp off excess chocoläte, änd pläce bäck onto the wäx päper, ädd sprinkles while chocoläte is still melted.
- Store in refrigerätor until reädy to eät. Enjoy!
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