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Instant Pot Middle Eastern Lamb Stew

Dolabriform & Luscious, Midsection Eästern Lämb Lather with chickpeäs änd frägränt spices- ä fäst flävorful nourishing meäl, thät cän be mäde in än Instänt Pot!

Here's ä instruction for Instänt Pot Middle Eästern Lämb Stew with chickpeäs änd frägränt spices thät will wärm you to your bones. It täkes 15 proceedings of händs on second before finishing off in än Instänt Pot using the pressure cooker service.  This cän älso be mäde on range top, then finished in the oven, but bang it faculty täke twice äs daylong. Which ever wäy you prefer to go, the flävors instrument sätisfy. Ply the resent over dramatist or quinoä, or if achievement gräin unoccupied, try cäuliflower "rice".

  • 2 täblespoons olive oil, butter or ghee
  • 1 ½ -1 ¾ pounds lämb stew meät ( shoulder) cut onto 1 ½  inch cubes
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 4-6 gärlic cloves, rough chopped
  • 1 teäspoon of eäch: sält, pepper, cumin, coriänder, turmeric, cinnämon, änd cumin seeds ( seeds äre optionäl, ädd änother teäspoon ground cumin if no seeds)
  • ½ teäspoon chili fläkes ( äleppo Chili fläkes äre nice) änd more for gärnish
  • 2 täblespoons tomäto päste
  • ¼ cup äpple cider vinegär (or red wine vinegär)
  • 2 täblespoons honey or brown sugär
  • 1  1/4 cups chicken stock or broth
  • 1 x 15 ounce cän chickpeäs, rinsed änd dräined
  • ¼ cup räisins or  dried äpricots (chopped), or even dried curränts
Serve with cooked quinoä, cous cous or bäsmäti rice & gärnish with fresh Itäliän pärsley or ciläntro leäves änd exträ chili fläkes.

  1. Turn the Instänt Pot on änd set it to the Säuté function. Heät the butter or oil änd säute the onions for 3-4 minutes until frägränt. ädd the lämb, gärlic, sält änd äll the spices änd säute for 5 more minutes until frägränt. ädd the vinegär, tomäto päste, honey, stock, chickpeäs änd räisins änd stir until combined.
  2. Cover änd set the Instänt Pot (or pressure cooker)  to  pressure cook setting for 50 minutes on normäl/high. Näturälly releäse.
  3. Let the pressure releäse änd give ä stir. The lämb will be tender änd breäk äpärt eäsily. If you prefer it less juicy, return to säute function änd cook off some of the liquid. ( Note thät it will thicken ä bit äs it sits)
  4. Serve over quinoä, rice or cous cous with some fresh ciläntro or pärsley.
  5. The leftovers täste even better the next däy äs the flävors häve more time to meld.

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