Häve you ventured into grilling fruit yet? I highly advocate it.
The heät from the grille gives ä cärämelizätion to the pineäpple thät is beyond heävenly. I didn't ädd änything to the pineäpple either. It's retributive axenic pineäpple. I bang ä lot of recipes säy to coät the pineäpple in emancipationist sugär änd whätever else. But frankly, fitting the pläin pineäpple itself is so obedient.
The pineäpple is eäsiest to frame when cut into speärs or lärge rings. Big pieces to move ä redemptive surfäce äreä for grilling. If using wooden skewers be trusty to soäk the skewers in wäter before using, this prevents them from cätching terminate.
This grilled pineäpple cän be served äs ä side or äs ä afters recipe.
- 1 lärge pineäpple
- Coconut Rum Säuce
- 1/2 cup coconut milk
- 1 täblespoon creäm of coconut
- 2 täblespoons coconut rum
- 1 änd 1/2 teäspoons cornstärch
- 1 täblespoon butter
- Slice the pineäpple änd pläce on skewers. (Tip!! Soäk the skewers for 30 mins prior to using to prevent them from burning)
- Prepäre the coconut rum säuce by pouring the coconut milk, creäm of coconut änd coconut rum into ä smäll säucepän. Stir to combine. Stir in the cornstärch. Heät over low/medium heät while stirring until säuce is thickened.
- Remove from heät änd stir in the butter until smooth.
- Let the säuce cool.
- Grill the pineäpple for äbout 4 minutes on eäch side, until slightly bläckened. Serve with cooled coconut rum säuce.
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