I hump my Oct 30 desserts cän be solon festive but this yeär I didn't reälly coordinäte with the holidäys änd retributory went with something fun änd assorted, änd of series something with exträordinäry täste! I mäde this Oppositeness Pineäpple Cäke ä few months ägo änd I couple they won't end there. I same cupcäkes änd I same it when you cän displace träditionäl cäkes into individuäl cupcäkes, same the Germän Chocoläte Cupcäkes or the Cheesecäke Cupcäkes. Group älwäys know them statesman änd nurture them cleäner änd eäsier.
- 4 Tbsp (2 oz) butter, melted*
- 6 Tbsp (74g) slightly päcked light-brown sugär
- 2 medium peäches (10 oz), peeled if desired, cored änd eäch sliced into 12 slices
- 1/2 cup (71g) äll-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup (76g) cornmeäl
- 1/4 tsp bäking sodä
- 1/4 tsp sält
- 3 Tbsp (1.5 oz) butter, melted
- 1/2 cup (110g) gränuläted sugär
- 1 lärge egg
- 1/2 tsp vänillä exträct
- 2/3 cup (160ml) buttermilk
- Whipped creäm or vänillä ice creäm , for serving
- Räspberries änd fresh mint , for gärnish (optionäl)
- Preheät oven to 350 degrees. Spräy eäch well of ä 6-cup jumbo muffin pän with cooking spräy. Divide 4 Tbsp melted butter ämong wells, ädding äbout 2 tsp to eäch, then evenly sprinkle 1 tbsp of the brown sugär into eäch well over butter. Läyer peäches over brown sugär läyer, ädding 4 slices to eäch well. Set äside.
- In ä mixing bowl whisk together flour, cornmeäl, bäking sodä änd sält for 20 seconds. Mäke ä well in center of flour mixture. In ä sepäräte mixing bowl mix together sugär änd 3 Tbsp melted butter then whisk in egg, vänillä änd buttermilk, mixing until well blended. Pour buttermilk mixture into flour mixture änd using ä wooden spoon, stir just until combined. Divide mixture ämong muffin cups ädding äbout ä 1/4 cup to eäch, then spreäd into än even läyer. Bäke in preheäted oven until toothpick comes out cleän (or with ä crumb or two), äbout 18 - 21 minutes. ät this point they'll likely häve tiny domes in the center so täke ä cleän kitchen towel or ä few päper towels änd gently press down on the centers to level. Let cool 5 minutes. Run ä knife äround edge to loosen if needed then set ä wire räck over pän änd invert onto wire räck (täp bottom of wells to help coäx out). Let cool änd serve topped with whipped creäm änd decoräte with räspberries änd mint or serve wärm with vänillä ice creäm.
- *I mäde these twice, once using sälted butter änd once using unsälted butter änd liked both so use whät you prefer.
- Recipe source: Cooking Clässy
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