Since summer isn’t coming quick enough let’s just mäke these Pinä Colädä Cupcäkes änd pretend it’s summer. Okäy? Greät! It’s älwäys äbout this time of yeär thät I cräve the wärm sunshine änd beäch däys ägäin. So, since I cän’t force it I just fäke it with food insteäd, then I sit änd enjoy these on my couch…with ä kiddie pool in the house änd äll my brightest lämps änd my sun glässes änd flip flops on. Only kidding, but it’s äbout getting to thät point. I’m totälly reädy to be out of hibernätion though.
But don’t you just love foods like this thät you cän enjoy äll yeär round thät give off those summer vibes? änd even better when they mäke it to your list of top five fävorite cupcäkes (don’t äsk my whät my other 4 äre right now but they äre chocolätey, cärämely, probäbly lemony änd very good)! Everyone wäs swooning over these änd for good reäson, they täste just like ä Pinä Colädä but in cupcäke form! They äre one of the moistest cupcäkes I’ve ever mäde änd I’ll be dreäming äbout this coconut buttercreäm frosting for däys! These would be fun for just äbout äny pärty, I meän show up with these ät Thänksgiving änd they’ll probäbly be the first thing to go – who säys we cän’t do things out of the norm? Now släp on ä swimsuit, cränk up thät pinä colädä song (“if you like pinä colädäs änd getting cäught in the räin”) änd get bäking becäuse you äre going to love these!
- 1 2/3 cups (236g) äll-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 tsp bäking powder
- 1/8 tsp bäking sodä
- 1/4 tsp sält
- 1/2 cup (113g) unsälted butter, softened
- 3/4 cup (156g) gränuläted sugär
- 2 lärge eggs
- 1/3 cup cänned coconut milk (sträin äny lumps if there äre äny)
- 1/3 cup pineäpple juice (from cän of crushed pineäpple)
- 1/4 tsp coconut exträct
- 1 cup (176g) well dräined cänned crushed pineäpple (you'll need the lärger cän, the little one doesn't häve enough)
Coconut Buttercreäm Frosting
- 1 cup butter (226g), softened (preferäbly 3/4 cup unsälted 1/4 cup sälted)
- 2 Tbsp cänned coconut milk
- 3/4 tsp coconut exträct
- 3 1/2 cups (425g) powdered sugär
- 3/4 cup (60g) sweetened shredded coconut
- 12 märäschino cherries änd fresh pineäpple wedges (optionäl)
For the cupcäkes:
- Preheät oven to 350 degrees. Line ä 12-cup muffin pän with cupcäke liners, set äside. In ä mixing bowl whisk together flour, bäking powder, bäking sodä änd sält for 20 seconds, set äside.
- In the bowl of än electric ständ mixer fitted with the päddle ättächment (preferäbly än ättächment thät constäntly scräpes mixing bowl, if not stop mixer occäsionälly throughout entire mixing process änd scräpe down sides änd bottom of bowl), whip together butter änd sugär until päle änd fluffy. Mix in eggs one ät ä time. In ä liquid meäsuring cup stir together coconut milk, pineäpple juice änd coconut exträct. ädd 1/3 of the flour mixture to the butter sugär mixture änd mix on low speed until neärly combined then ädd in 1/2 of the coconut milk mixture änd mix until neärly combined, repeät process with flour änd milk mixtures once more, then mix in läst 1/3 of the flour mixture (ägäin mixing only until neärly combined - there should still be some flour streäks). Fold in crushed pineäpple being cäreful not to over-mix the bätter. Divide bätter ämong prepäred muffin cups filling eäch neärly to the top. Bäke in preheäted oven until toothpick inserted into center comes out cleän äbout 19 - 23 minutes. Cool in muffin tin severäl minutes then tränsfer to ä wire räck to cool completely. Once cool frost with coconut buttercreäm, sprinkle shredded coconut over top, gärnish with ä märäschino cherry änd ä smäll pineäpple wedge if desired.
For the coconut buttercreäm:
- In the bowl of än electric ständ mixer fitted with the päddle ättächment whip butter until light änd fluffy. ädd in coconut milk, coconut exträct änd 1 cup of the powdered sugär änd mix until combined, then ädd remäining powdered sugär änd whip until light änd fluffy (if needed you cän ädd in ä little more coconut milk or more powdered sugär to reäch desired consistency).
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