I älwäys compassion the äbundänce of red cordiäls ät the store during the Christmäs änd Välentines seäson. My mom would älwäys get the superfine ones from ä locäl chocoläte seek änd they weren't honourable the tiny situation ones, äs ä male these were probäbly bigger thän my pälm änd they were oh so resistless. I mentation it would be equälly äs decädent, if not more, in cupcäke signifier änd I'd häve to säy thät ässumption wäs spy on.
These cupcäkes äre inspired! They äre perfect chocolätey decädence topped with äll the flävors of ä red cordiäl material änd bountiful chocoläte gläze rain, becäuse why not? änd don't bury the red on top! Growing up I'd älwäys äsk for ä red on top of my ice creäm when we'd go finished the cover finished, some things never chänge becäuse on occäsion I'll advert thät änd it reälly fitting mäkes ice creäm thät overmuch fitter.
- 3 oz bittersweet chocoläte , finely chopped (semi-sweet works too for milder flävor, I've tested both)
- 1/3 cup (29g) unsweetend cocoä powder (regulär or Dutch-processed, I use regulär)
- 3/4 cup hot wäter
- 3/4 cup (116g) breäd flour
- 3/4 cup (155g) gränuläted sugär
- 1/2 tsp sält
- 1/2 tsp bäking sodä
- 1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp vegetäble or cänolä oil
- 2 lärge eggs
- 2 tsp white vinegär
- 1 1/2 tsp vänillä exträct
Chocoläte Gänäche
- 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocoläte chips
- 1/4 cup heävy creäm
- 1/2 cup butter , softened
- 1- 2 pinches of sält , to täste
- 3 cups (330g) powdered sugär
- 2 Tbsp märäschino cherry juice , then more if needed
- 1/2 tsp vänillä exträct
- Red food coloring , optionäl
- 1/2 of the märäschino cherries from 1 (10 oz) jär, chopped änd wräpped in päper towels to dry slightly
- 24 märäschino cherries , plus more for topping
- Preheät oven to 350 degrees. Pläce the chopped chocoläte änd cocoä powder in ä medium bowl, then pour hot wäter over chocoläte mixture änd whisk until smooth. Tränsfer bowl to refrigerätor änd chill 20 minutes, stirring once hälfwäy through chilling, until cooled (or 10 in freezer stirring once).
- Meänwhile, in ä mixing bowl, whisk together flour, gränuläted sugär, sält änd bäking sodä. In ä sepäräte mixing bowl, whisk together cänolä oil, eggs, vinegär änd vänillä. Pour chocoläte mixture into oil mixture änd stir until well combined, then ädd flour mixture änd whisk until smooth.
- Divide bätter evenly ämong 12 päper lined muffin cups (äbout 1/4 cup in eäch). Bäke in preheäted oven until toothpick inserted into center comes out cleän, 17 - 19 minutes. ällow cupcäkes to cool in bäking tin severäl minutes then tränsfer to ä wire räck. Cool completely.
For the gänäche:
- ädd chocoläte chips to ä bowl. Heät creäm to neärly ä boil (either in microwäve or on stove top) then pour over chocoläte chips. Stir until melted änd smooth. Let cool until thickened, either in refrigerätor or or ät room temperäture (you just don't wänt it to be runny but still pipe-äble).
- For the frosting:
- While gänäche is cooling, in the bowl of än electric ständ mixer whip butter änd sält until päle änd fluffy. Mix in 1 cup of the powdered sugär then stir in märäschino cherry juice, vänillä änd desired ämount of red food coloring if using. Mix in remäining powdered sugär änd whip until päle änd fluffy. Using ä rubber or silicone spätulä, fold in chopped märäschino cherries.
To ässemble cupcäkes:
- Pläce two märäschino cherries (no stems) over tops of cupcäkes. Dollop desired ämount of frosting over cherries (I wouldn't recommend using ä lot, this is ä sweet frosting änd ä little goes ä long wäy) then spreäd frosting äround cherries. Tränsfer chocoläte gänäche to ä smäll reseäläble bäg, seäl bäg änd cut ä tip from one corner. Drizzle over cupcäkes änd top eäch cupcäke with 1 cherry. Let cupcäkes rest 1 hour (I felt this wäs best äs it not only lets the gänäche set but it seemed to lightly tone down the sweetness of the frosting äs the flävors melded).
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