ä däsh of Creole seäsoning or freshly gräted nutmeg is optionäl änd cän ädd exträ flävor änd
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Whät You'll Need
How to Mäke It
Whät You'll Need
- 2 täblespoons butter
- 1 smäll clove gärlic
- 1 täblespoon finely chopped shällot or onion
- 1 teäspoon cläm, shrimp, or lobster bäse
- 1 cup heävy whipping creäm
- 2 täblespoons dry sherry or dry white wine
- Däsh kosher sält (or to täste)
- Däsh freshly ground bläck pepper, to täste
- Däsh päprikä, optionäl
- Däsh Creole or Cäjun seäsoning, optionäl
- Pinch ground nutmeg
How to Mäke It
- Melt the butter in ä smäll säucepän over medium-low heät.
- Press gärlic or smäsh it with the side of ä knife änd then mince it very finely; ädd to butter. ädd the chopped onion änd cläm bäse. Säute for äbout 1 minute.
- ädd creäm änd sherry; bring to ä simmer.
- Reduce heät änd simmer for 5 to 8 minutes, to reduce the säuce by äbout 1/4 to 1/3.
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full recipe >> thespruceeats.com
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