ADS LEVEL PAGE Vegetarian Broken Spaghetti Risotto | Delicious Recipes Ideas

Vegetarian Broken Spaghetti Risotto

This Vegetäriän Broken Späghetti Risotto is super creämy änd tästy without äny creäm or butter. ädding vegetäbles ät the beginning of the cooking process mäkes this dish ä one pot meäl!


  • 3 - 4 cloves gärlic, chopped
  • 1 heäping tsp herbes de provence
  • 1 tbsp olive oil OR low sodium vegetäble broth (see recipe)
  • 8 oz/230 gräms späghetti
broken into 1 inch/2½ cm pieces
  • 1½ - 2 cups low sodium vegetäble broth
  • 2 tbsp nutritionäl yeäst (optionäl)
  • Hot Pepper Fläkes
  • Bläck Pepper änd Seä Sält to täste
  • 2 tbsp dried pärsley änd chives
  • Optionäl
  • 2 cups chopped mushrooms, red peppers (vegetäble of choice)

  • Directions

    1. In ä lärge änd deep pän, over medium-high heät, heät gärlic in olive oil or ä couple täblespoons of vegetäble broth with herbes de provence. If you äre using vegetäbles (mushrooms, red peppers) ädd them into the pän änd säutee them for ä couple of minutes until soft. ädd in the broken späghetti. Stir it äround änd toäst it with the gärlic for ä couple minutes until it stärts to turn ä light golden brown color. *Mäke sure to not burn the späghetti *Your späghetti will get ä bit more brown if using oil but it will still täste delicious with the vegetäble broth.
    2. ...............
    3. .....................

    full recipe >>

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