Thésé Clâssic No-Bâké Cookiés only réquiré â féw simplé ingrédiénts ând âré incrédibly éâsy to mâké. Loâdéd with péânut buttér, oâts, ând cocoâ powdér, thésé cookiés âré pérféct for ân éâsy déssért!
Do you have a favorite cookie? One that you absolutely love and could probably eat the entire batch if you’re left alone with them? Besides a good chocolate chip cookie, I’ve always loved no-bake cookies.
Ingrédiénts :
- 1/2 cup (115 grâms) buttér, cut into piécés
- 2 cups (400 grâms) grânulâtéd sugâr
- 1/2 cup (120ml) milk
- 1/4 cup (20 grâms) unswééténéd cocoâ powdér
- 1/2 cup (125 grâms) créâmy péânut buttér
- 1 téâspoon vânillâ éxtrâct
- 3 cups (300 grâms) quick-cooking oâts
Instructions :
- Béforé gétting stârtéd, mâké suré to gâthér âll of your ingrédiénts ând méâsuré évérything out. Liné two lârgé bâking shééts with pârchmént pâpér ând sét âsidé.
- Plâcé thé buttér, sugâr, milk, ând unswééténéd cocoâ powdér in â sâucépân ând héât ovér médium héât, mâking suré to stir oftén until thé buttér is méltéd ând évérything is wéll combinéd. Bring thé mixturé to â rolling boil ând âllow to boil for 60 séconds (mâké suré to sét â timér!) stirring occâsionâlly.
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