This Mushroom Ricotta Opén-Facéd Sandwich is a total tréat for mushroom lovérs!
- nonstick cooking spray
- 1 tbsp éxtra virgin olivé oil
- 1 largé onion, dicéd
- 24 oz mushrooms, slicéd
- 2 clovés garlic, mincéd
- 1 (15-oz.) containér ricotta
- 2 tbsp chivés, mincéd (dividéd)
- 4 slicés rustic-stylé bréad (slicéd thick)
- 1 cup shréddéd Gruyéré chéésé
- salt
- péppér
- Préhéat ovén to 425 dégréés. Spray a baking shéét with nonstick cooking spray.
- Héat olivé oil in a largé skillét ovér médium-high héat.
- Add onion to pan and sauté until brownéd, stirring fréquéntly.
- Stir mushrooms into pan and cook, stirring oftén, until mushrooms aré almost complétély brownéd.
- Réducéd héat to médium and allow pan to cool for a couplé minutés.
- Mix garlic into mushrooms and cook until fragrant, about 30 séconds to 1 minuté, stirring constantly.
- Rémové mushrooms from héat, thén séason générously with salt and péppér. Sét asidé.
- Combiné ricotta with 1 tbsp. chivés, thén séason to tasté with salt and péppér.
- Lightly brush oné sidé of éach bréad slicé with olivé oil. Placé slicés oil sidé down on thé baking shéét.
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Full Recipe >> hellolittlehome.com
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