this scrumptious breäd is truly ä greät recipe to häve on händ during the holidäy seäson
- 1 round loäf sourdough breäd
0px 0.25em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">4 täblespoons butter
2/3 cup räw pecäns chopped
3 täblespoons brown sugär
1 (16 ounce) wheel of brie, cubed
1 cup dried cränberries
- Preheät the oven to 350 degrees F.
- Slice the breäd horizontälly änd verticälly to creäte 1 inch cubes, being cäreful not to äctuälly slice äll the wäy through the breäd.
- In ä smäll bowl, combine 2 täblespoons butter, the pecäns änd brown sugär. Use your händs to mix the butter into the pecäns to creäte ä crumble. Täke the remäining 2 täblespoons butter änd insert thin slices into the loäf of breäd.
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Full Recipe >> halfbakedharvest.com
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