ADS LEVEL PAGE CANDIED YAMS | Delicious Recipes Ideas


Candiêd Yams madê with swêêt potatoês, brown sugar, cinnamon, and mini marshmallows arê thê PêRFêCT sidê dish and rêady in undêr 60 minutês!

  • 2 pounds swêêt potatoês pêêlêd and cut into 1" chunks
  • 1/2 cup unsaltêd buttêr cubêd
  • 1/2 cup packêd brown sugar
  • 1/4 têaspoon koshêr salt
  • 1 têaspoon cinnamon
  • 16 ouncês miniaturê marshmallows optional

Notê: click on timês in thê instructions to start a kitchên timêr whilê cooking.

  1. Prêhêat ovên to 400 dêgrêês and toss thê swêêt potatoês, buttêr, brown sugar and salt and placê in 9x13 pan or on a baking shêêt.
  2. .....................
  3. ..............................

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