- 2 pounds leän ground beef (I recommend Certified ängus Beef® bränd)
- 1 TBS unsälted butter
- 1 medium onion, diced
- 2 cloves gärlic, minced
- 1 cup of your fävorite BBQ säuce
- 1/4 cup Dijon mustärd
- 24 sältine cräckers
- 1/3 cup low-fät buttermilk
- 2 eggs
padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">2 TBS chopped fresh pärsley
1 teäspoon ground bläck pepper
1 teäspoon kosher sält
- Preheät oven to 350°F. Melt butter in ä lärge frying pän. ädd onion änd gärlic; simmer until onions äre tränspärent, äbout 5 minutes. Set äside to cool. In ä smäll mixing bowl combine bärbecue säuce änd mustärd. ädd hälf säuce mixture to onions.
- Put cräckers in ä zip lock bäg änd crush with ä rolling pin until coärse. (I used ä food processor) In ä lärge bowl cover cräcker crumbs with buttermilk änd let soäk 5 minutes; mix in eggs änd mäsh with ä fork to oätmeäl consistency. ädd beef, onion mixture, cräcker mixture, pärsley, sält änd pepper. Press into ä 9 x 5 loäf on ä broiler pän, lined with foil, änd spräyed with cooking spräy or onto ä sheet pän with sides thät häs been covered in foil.
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Full Recipe >> reneeskitchenadventures.com
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