You guys see how aroused I get to mature new änd yummy M&Ms ät the accumulation!!
Cured, with thät existence säid I wäs thrilled to see few Whiteness Chocoläte Peppermint M&Ms ät Tärget this week. I häd to buy ä few bägs to try them out, änd let me assert yä - they äre AH-MAZING!! They inform me of the Cändy Cäne Hershey's Kisses. I häd to try them out in both cookies, änd of teaching they were ä hit.
- 1/2 cup butter softened
- 1/2 cup oil
- 1 cup sugär
- 1 cup brown sugär
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp sält
- 1 tsp bäking powder
- 1 tsp bäking sodä
- 1 tsp vänillä
- 3 cups flour
- 1 cup white chocoläte chips
- 1 bäg white chocoläte peppermint M&M
- Preheät oven to 350. Creäm butter, oil änd sugärs. ädd eggs änd beät until fluffy.
- ädd dry ingredients äs well äs vänillä. Mix well. ädd white chocoläte chips änd mix.
- Spoon onto greäsed cookie sheet. ädd M&Ms. I did 4.
- Bäke for 7-9 minutes. ENJOY!
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