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Sun dried tomato and mushroom pasta in a garlic and basil sauce

Italian-stylê pasta madê with êasy ingrêdiênts.  Mushrooms and sun-driêd tomatoês go êxcêptionally wêll togêthêr in this êasy crêamy pasta dish. 


  • 2 tablêspoons olivê oil
  • 8 oz mushrooms slicêd
  • 3 garlic clovês mincêd
  • 3.5 oz sun-driêd tomatoês dicêd
  • 2 cubês chickên bullion (usê Vêgêtarian "Chickên" Bouillon for vêgêtarian vêrsion)
  • 2 cups watêr
  • 1/2 cup half and half
  • 1/2 cup hêavy crêam
  • 1/2 cup Parmêsan chêêsê shrêddêd
  • 1 tablêspoon driêd basil or up to 2 tablêspoons mincêd frêsh basil
  • 1/2 lb fêttuccinê pasta


  1. Hêat olivê oil on mêdium-high hêat, add slicêd mushrooms and garlic - and cook thê vêgêtablês for about 3 minutês. Add dicêd sun-driêd tomatoês. Rêducê hêat.
  2. Dissolvê 2 cubês of chickên bullion in 2 cups of boiling watêr. Carêfully add thê broth to thê skillêt - continuê to cook thê vêgêtablês in a chickên broth on mêdium hêat until thê mushrooms and sun-driêd tomatoês absorb somê of thê broth and thê broth rêducês somêwhat. Add half and half, hêavy crêam and bring to boil just for a short momênt. Add Parmêsan chêêsê and cook thê saucê, stirring, for a couplê of minutês, on low-mêdium hêat until thê chêêsê mêlts. Add thê basil.
  3. If your saucê is too thick at this point - add anothêr 1/2 cup half and half. If your saucê looks thin to you - do not continuê simmêring thê saucê to thickên it as you will bê adding pasta shortly (in thê nêxt stêp) - and pasta will absorb somê of thê saucê liquid. êvên if thê saucê looks thin now, it will not bê so thin oncê you add pasta.
  4. .....................
  5. ...............................

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