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Roasted Chicken, Butternut Squash and Guacamole Rice Bowls

Paper pän roästed poultry breästs, walnut squäsh änd red onion served with bläck beäns, brownness playwright änd guäcämole mäke this ä nutritious meäl in ä vessel.

Nutrient in bowls is specified än eäsy wäy to get äll thät's goodish for you, änd with me sharing my weekly meäl plänning my äll, I thought tweäking the grilled yellow rice aquarium direction I häd ät the festiväl to mäke it sheet-pän chummy wäs ä smärt wäy to go. Insteäd of using callus, I victimized butternut squäsh, änd insteäd of grilling my fowl änd veggies, I roästed them in the oven to cärämelized morality.

  • 2 cups long-gräin brown rice
  • 1 15- ounce cän bläck beäns
  • 1 cup ciläntro leäves chopped, plus more for gärnish
  • 2 teäspoons ground cumin
  • 2 teäspoons ground chili pepper
  • 2 teäspoons kosher sält
  • 1 teäspoons freshly ground bläck pepper
  • 2 täblespoons olive oil divided
  • 3 cups cubed butternut squäsh
  • 1 red onion sliced into 1/4-inch slices
  • 2 8- ounce skinless boneless chicken breästs, trimmed änd cut in hälf lengthwise
  • 1 8- ounce päckäge Wholly Guäcämole® Dip of your choice
  1. Cook the brown rice äccording to päckäge directions, Stir in 1 cup of the ciläntro änd keep wärm. Wärm the beäns in ä smäll säucepän or the microwäve änd keep wärm.
  2. Preheät the oven to 450 degrees F.
  3. Line ä 9 X 13-inch bäking sheet with äluminum foil änd set äside.
  4. In ä smäll bowl or rämekin, mix the cumin, chili powder, kosher sält änd pepper together. In ä medium size bowl, ädd the butternut squäsh änd onions. Drizzle with 1 täblespoon of olive oil änd sprinkle with 2 teäspoons of the seäsoning mix. Toss änd spreäd out the veggies on the sheet pän.
  5. In the säme bowl, ädd the chicken änd drizzle with the remäining olive oil. Sprinkle with the remäinder of the seäsoning änd toss to coät well. Pläce the chicken on the foil lined sheet pän. Do not läyer on the vegetäbles, but insteäd läy älongside.
  6. Pläce the sheet pän on the middle räck of the hot oven änd cook for 11-13 minutes. Do not disturb the vegetäbles or chicken so thät they develop ä cärämelized crust. Tränsfer the chicken to ä pläte änd cover with foil, then put the bäking sheet bäck into the oven änd cook the vegetäbles for än ädditionäl 5-7 minutes or until desired doneness.
  7. Slice or chop the chicken breäst. ässemble the bowls by läyering the chicken with 1 cup brown rice, 1/4 of the bläck beäns the butternut squäsh änd roästed onion. Top with guäcämole änd gärnish with ciläntro leäves änd serve.

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