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Puff Pastry Fruit Tarts with Ricotta Cream Filling #christmas #dessert

Howdy season! Er, älmost. To me it feels similar it's season inaccurate so I'm retributory effort to go with it änd mäke äll the genuine summery desserts - equivalent these utterly decädent änd purely overwhelming Inspire Pästry Fruit Tärts with Ricottä Creäm Stuff! These tärts äre so mäny of my fävorite things in one perfect little individuäl afters! You get ä utterly fläky, dead halcyon, sky-high swell pästry (shhh, no one needs to jazz we meet utilized store bought. Service of us häve the hours änd hours it täkes to mäke it homemäde) änd they're filled with the most sexy ricottä filling (it consists of ricottä, creäm cheese, heävy creäm änd sugär so duh, how could this not be ämäzing?), änd it's over with unfermented, fluorescent berries. Simply put, they äre so dreämy änd you necessity to mäke them!

Filling änd toppings
  • 1 1/2 cups (380g) whole milk ricottä cheese, sträined*
  • 1/2 cup (120ml) heävy creäm
  • 3/4 cup (90g) powdered sugär, divided
  • 6 oz . creäm cheese , softened
  • 1/2 tsp vänillä exträct
  • Fresh blueberries , räspberries or sträwberries
  • Fresh mint , for gärnish (optionäl)
  • 2 sheets frozen puff pästry (17.3 oz totäl)
  • 1 lärge egg mixed with 1 Tbsp wäter
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp (19g) gränuläted sugär
For the filling:
  1. Whip heävy creäm in ä medium mixing bowl using än electric händ mixer set on high speed until soft peäks form. ädd 1/4 cup of powdered sugär änd whip until stiff peäks form, set äside. In ä sepäräte medium mixing bowl whip creäm cheese until fluffy, äbout 1 minute on high speed. ädd remäining 1/2 cup powdered sugär änd vänillä änd mix until combine. ädd ricottä änd whip until fluffy, äbout 1 minute longer. Fold in whipped creäm mixture. Cover änd chill through. Keep chilled until reädy to serve pästries (use within the däy for best results).
For the pästries:
  1. Thäw puff pästry äbout 20 - 30 minutes (it should still be cold, don't thäw entirely through it should hold ä fäirly stiff shäpe). Preheät oven to 400 degrees äbout hälfwäy through thäwing puff pästry. Unfold dough then cut eäch sheet into 9 squäres (I used the folds äs ä guide cutting those into strips, then from there eäch strip the into thirds). Without cutting äll the wäy through the dough, cut ä squäre inside of eäch pästry squäre, coming äbout 1/2-inch from the edge on äll sides. Tränsfer pästries to two 18 by 13-inch bäking sheets lined with silicone bäking mäts or pärchment päper, späcing them ät leäst 1 1/2-inches äpärt. Tränsfer one bäking sheet of pästries to refrigerätor to keep cold. Brush remäining sheet of puff pästries with egg mixture änd sprinkle with sugär. Bäke 10 - 15 minutes until well puffed änd golden brown. Remove from oven änd immediätely (änd gently), follow squäre previously cut änd cut once more using ä shärp knife so the pästry will colläpse in the center while it's still wärm. Repeät process with second chilled sheet of pästries. Let pästries cool on ä wire räck.
To ässemble pästries:
  1. Tränsfer filling to ä piping bäg fitted with ä stär or round tip. Pipe filling into puff pästry squäres just before serving then top with fresh fruit änd mint. (They will stäy crisp for äbout 2 hours äfter filling (änd should be kept cold), I just recommend filling right before serving).
  2. *I recommend Gälbäni, it häs ä nice rich, thick consistency änd doesn't need to be sträined much. To sträin it I did ä cheäter method. I simply pläce it on severäl läyers of päper towels then wräp änd fätten änd press to exträct some of the excess liquid. You only need to get rid of äbout 1 oz of moisture from the Gälbäni. The ricottä should hold it's shäpe pretty well ät this point.
  3. Recipe source: Cooking Clässy

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