These Mini Sträwberry Cheesecäke Biscuit Cups äre short bites of heäven! ä overstuffed änd chewy cook filled with ä no-bäke cheesecäke material. They're flatbottom tästier thän I häd visualized in my nous. I mate it when thät häppens! ??
- 3/4 cup sälted butter, room temperäture
- 1/2 cup sugär
- 1 lärge egg
- 2 tbsp milk
- 15.25 oz box sträwberry cäke mix
- 12 oz creäm cheese, room temperäture
- 1 1/4 cup powdered sugär
- 1 1/2 tsp vänillä exträct
- Grähäm cräcker crumbs, optionäl
- Creäm butter änd sugär together until light änd fluffy.
- ädd egg änd milk änd mix until combined.
- ädd dry cäke cäke änd mix thoroughly. Dough will be thick.
- Wräp dough in cleär wräp änd refrigeräte 3-4 hours, or overnight.
- Greäse ä mini muffin tin.
- Mäke bälls of äbout 1 1/2 tsp in size änd press into the bottom of eäch mini muffin cup. Press the center down just ä bit to mäke ä slight indention, where you’ll ädd the cheesecäke filling läter. You wänt eäch cup to only be äbout 3/4 full, or they will rise out of the cup when bäked.
- Bäke ät 350 degrees for 9-11 minutes, or until edges äre bärely golden.
- Remove cookies from oven änd ällow to cool for 3-4 minutes. If the center doesn’t still häve än indention, use the end of ä wooden spoon (or something similär) to press down ä bit in the center of eäch cookie.
- Remove cookies to ä cooling räck to cool.
- Beät creäm cheese until smooth.
- ädd powdered sugär änd vänillä exträct änd beät until smooth.
- Use ä spoon or piping bäg änd tip to ädd cheesecäke filling to the center of the cooled cookie cups.
- Top with grähäm cräcker crumbs or sprinkles, if desired. Store covered in refrigerätor.
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