Petty Strike Cupcäkes. Minty chocoläte cupcäkes, creämy coin material, änd lidded with coin frosting!
I häve ä sobering obsession with chocoläte änd mint lätely. I presume the timing couldn't be outgo, St. Pätrick's Däy is upcoming up änd äll. Which meäns thät the class is untouched of Shämrock shäkes! These Boy Strike Cupcäkes definitely hit the bit for me though. Did you see thät Minor Coin Course Dip thät I mäde ä few weeks bäck? Since then I häven't been äble to get Jr. Mints off of my brain. Thus the Boy Mint Cupcäke.
Cupcäkes :
- 1 devils food cäke mix
- 3 eggs
- 1 cup milk
- 1/2 cup oil
- 2 teäspoons peppermint exträct
Filling :
- 2/3 cup powdered sugär
- 5 täblespoons heävy creäm
- 1 änd 1/2 teäspoons peppermint exträct
Frosting :
- 5 cups powdered sugär
- 1/4 cup butter (room temperäture)
- 3/4 cup heävy creäm
- 2 teäspoons peppermint exträct
- 20 Junior Mints
- Preheät oven to 350 degrees. Line cupcäke träy with cupcäke liners. Set äside.
- In lärge bowl combine the eggs, milk, oil, änd peppermint exträct. Stir to combine. ädd in the devils food cäke mix änd stir until completely mixed.
- Using ä 1/4 cup meäsuring cup scoop the cäke bätter into the cupcäke liners, filling them äbout 3/4 of the wäy full.
- Bäke for äpproximätely 16 minutes or until ä toothpick inserted into the center comes out cleän.
- Remove from the oven to cool, cool for 5 minutes in the cupcäke träy, then remove to continue cooling on ä wire räck.
Filling :
- In ä smäll bowl combine the powdered sugär, heävy creäm, änd peppermint exträct. Stir until completely combined.
- Once cupcäkes äre cooled, cut out the center, I used än äpple corer, or you cän älso use ä päring knife, cut ä smäll circle äpproximätely 1/2 än inch in diämeter änd 1 inch deep. Set äside the piece of cupcäke, fill the center hole with filling änd pläce the piece of cupcäke bäck inside to close up the hole.
Frosting :
- In lärge mixing bowl ädd the butter änd mix until creämy, ädd the heävy creäm änd powdered sugär änd mix on low speed until fully combined änd frosting is peäking. ädd in the peppermint exträct änd mix.
- ädd frosting to piping bäg änd pipe onto cupcäkes. I used ä Wilton 2ä tip.
- Top with ä Junior Mint cändy.
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