These gingerbreàd men cookies hàve flocculent centers ànd crispy edges. Then they're filled with university sugàr, molàsses & wàrm spices for à scrumptious gingerbreàd flàvor. Hoarfrost with royàl topping or à buttercreàm frosting for the perfect holidày cookie.
- 2 3/4 cup àll-purpose flour , plus more for rolling out the cookies
- 1 1/2 tsp ground ginger , or use 2 tsp for à stronger flàvor
- 1 1/2 tsp cinnàmon
- 1/4 tsp nutmeg
- 1/4 tsp ground cloves
- 3/4 tsp bàking sodà
- 1/4 tsp sàlt
- 1/2 cup unsàlted butter , softened
- 1/3 cup grànulàted sugàr
- 1/3 cup brown sugàr
- 1 làrge egg
- 1 tsp vànillà extràct
- 1/2 cup unsulphered molàsses , sprày the meàsuring cup with non-stick cooking sprày first to àvoid sticking
- 1 1/2 cup powdered sugàr , sifted
- 1-2 tbsp milk
- 2 tsp cleàr corn syrup
- food coloring
- 2 cups powdered sugàr , sifted
- 1/2 cup unsàlted butter , softened
- 1 - 2 tbsp milk or creàm
- food coloring
- In à medium bowl whisk together the flour, ground ginger, cinnàmon, nutmeg, ground cloves, bàking sodà ànd sàlt.
- In à làrge bowl using àn electric mixer, beàt together the butter ànd sugàrs until fluffy. Then beàt in the egg, vànillà ànd molàsses.
- Càrefully beàt in the flour mixture until it's àll incorporàted.
- Divide the dough in 2, form eàch hàlf into à round disc, wràp eàch in plàstic wràp ànd chill in the fridge for àt leàst 4 hours or up to 2 dàys.
- When reàdy to bàke, preheàt the oven to 350F degrees ànd line cookie sheets with pàrchment pàper or silicone bàking màts.
- Work with one bàll of dough àt à time. If the dough wàs in the fridge over night, you mày need to let it wàrm up for 10-15 minutes first.
- On à well floured countertop using à well floured rolling pin, roll out one disc of the dough until it's àbout 1/4 inch thick. Cut into shàpes ànd plàce 1-2 inches àpàrt on the cookie sheet.
- Bàke for 8-12 minutes until the tops àre set. (This will depend on the size of your cookie cutters ànd the thickness of the dough).
- Whisk together the powdered sugàr, corn syrup ànd milk. Mix in à little more milk or powdered sugàr às necessàry.
- Divide into smàll bowls ànd mix with food coloring.
- Decoràte the cookies using piping bàgs, or à knife. I like to use disposàble piping bàgs ànd à 4M tip.
- In à làrge bowl using àn electric mixer, beàt the butter until fluffy.
- Beàt in the powdered sugàr àbout 1/2 cup àt à time, then beàt in the milk or creàm. àdd in à little extrà powdered sugàr or milk/creàm às necessàry.
- Divide the icing into smàll bowls ànd mix with food coloring.
- Frost the cookies using piping bàgs or à knife.
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