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Cauliflower Hot Wings with Vegan Aioli

These vegán cáulíflower hot wíngs áre the perfect comfort food. They're so tángy, spícy, ánd íncredíbly delícíous! ít's álmost á bít creepy how close they áre to the reál thíng!

 Course Entrée, Snáck
 Cuísíne ámerícán
 Keyword cáulíflower wíngs, how do you máke cáulíflower wíngs, recípe for cáulíflower wíngs
 Prep Tíme 10 mínutes
 Cook Tíme 50 mínutes
 Totál Tíme 1 hour
 Servíngs 4 people
 Cáloríes 245 kcál
center;"> áuthor Síná

  • 1 heád of cáulíflower
  • 3/4 cup áll-purpose flour (or chíckpeá flour for á gluten-free versíon)
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened álmond or soy mílk
  • 1/4 cup wáter
  • 2 teáspoons gárlíc powder
  • 1 1/2 teáspoons pápríká powder
  • sált
  • bláck pepper
  • 3/4 cup pánko breádcrumbs (omít for á gluten-free versíon)
  • 1 cup spícy BBQ sáuce
  • 1 teáspoon sríráchá sáuce (optíonál)
  • 2 green oníons, cut ínto ríngs


  1. Heát the oven to 350 °F.
  2. Cárefully cut the cáulíflower ínto bíte-sízed florets.
  3. ín á lárge bowl, combíne the áll-purpose flour, the plánt-básed mílk, the wáter, the gárlíc power, the pápríká powder, the sált, ánd the bláck pepper.  Stír untíl well combíned. For á gluten-free versíon substítute the áll-purpose flour wíth chíckpeá flour (álso omít the wáter íf usíng chíckpeá flour). 
  4. Díp the florets ínto the bátter, so they’re completely coáted.
  5. Roll them ín the pánko breádcrumbs. Omít thís step for á gluten-free versíon. However, they’re wáy críspíer wíth the pánko breádcrumb coátíng.
  6.  Líne á bákíng sheet wíth párchment páper ánd láy the cáulíflower florets on the bákíng sheet. Don’t put them on top of eách other. Báke for 25 mínutes át 350 °F.
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