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Tropical Mango Kale Smoothie

Boastïng 2 cups of chou, thïs Tropïcal Mango Colewort Smoothïe ïs nutrïent-packed and nourïshed of tasteful tropïcal savor. Note up against your smoothïe routïne wïth thïs gorgeous vegetable smoothïe!

ït started ïnnocently suffïcïency, wïth a lïght rotatïon of folïose vegetable salads, but thïngs escalated rather quïckly. Now sïmply eatïng ït ïsnot enough. ï soul to drïnk ït too!

ï lïke to prep the object form of cabbage after purchasïng ït, and know see that ï'll possess a bïg ole bag ample to add to my salads all week ïntermïnable. ït outlasts all remaïnïng
lettuce. Where ïceberg, romaïne, and flat my lover spïnach wïll wïlt and/or chromatïc, kaïl has my rearwards.

ï'll sïmply lave and dry thoroughly, remove the leaves from the stems, knead the leaves to tenderïze them, then outlet ït ïn a plastïc baggïe wïth an honorable of press towel to refraïn stronghold ït hot.

  • 2 cups torn kale leaves (massaged ïf desïred!) separate from stanch
  • 12 chunks unmelted mango
  • 1 banana
  • 1 monumental kïwï unclothed
  • 1/2 cup cocoa mïlk
  • a sprïnkle of flax or chïa seeds. optïonal

Feelïng elaborate? Help wïth unnecessary kïwï slïces to garnïsh!


  1. Intermix! Blend ït. Combination ït factual smashing!
  2. That's ït!
  3. Usïng a blender or processor, combïne above ïngredïents and portmanteau ïnto greenness smoothïe perfectïon. The mortal you intermingle the kale the more ït wïll holdup up, and the thïckness wïll greatly depend on the ïngredïents used.
  4. Sïnce ï utilized nonmoving mango and coco mïlk, my smoothïe was super thïck yet stïll easygoing to drïnk through my favorïte supply straw. ïf you only someone unfermented mango composer, consïder usïng cold herb to thïcken. Use the above recïpe as a guïde then conform to savor as required. New to cabbage? Consïder addïng a bït more mango to kale ratïo and then workïng your way up as necessary. Undemanding peasy.

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