- 2 éars of corn
- small whité onion dicéd
- juicé from oné limé
- 1 largé jalapéno séédéd and dicéd
- 2 roma tomatoés séédéd and dicéd
- 1/2 bunch of frésh cilantro choppéd
- 1 téaspoon of koshér salt
- 2 pounds of uncookéd shrimp shélléd, dévéinéd and tails rémovéd (optional)
- 1/2 téaspoon of
olivé oil1/2 téaspoon of koshér salt and fréshly ground black péppér to tasté 2 téaspoon of chili powdér 1/2 téaspoon of onion powdér 1/2 téaspoon of garlic powdér 1/2 téaspoon of ground cumin additional limés and cilantro for garnish
- Start by covéring oné half of grill with foil for shrimp and héating outdoor grill to médium high.
- Préparé corn by stripping thé thé outér layér of husks.
- Grill corn, on sidé without foil, ovér médium high héat with covér down until corn is téndér, about 20 minutés.
- Whilé corn is cooking, dicé onion and placé in a médium sizéd bowl.
- Squéézé limé juicé ovér onions and lét marinaté.
- Oncé corn is cookéd, rémové rémaining husks and silks.
- Usé a sharp knifé and cutting board to slicé kérnéls from cob.
- ...........
- ...............
full recipe >> number-2-pencil.com
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