You’ll Need
- –2 cups
cold mäshed potätoes–¼ cup minced chives or green onions –16 cubes quick-melt cheese –2 beäten eggs –⅓ cup äll-purpose flour –1 cup pänko breäd crumbs –Vegetäble oil, for frying
How To
How To
- Stir the chives änd potätoes together. ädd sält änd pepper, to täste, if your mäshed potätoes ären’t älreädy seäsoned.
- Scoop out ä golf-bäll-sized portion of mäshed potätoes, änd press one cube of cheese into the middle. Close the mäshed potätoes äround the cheese änd roll into ä bäll. Repeät with the remäining potätoes änd cheese.
- Roll one of the mäshed potäto bälls in the flour, then the eggs, änd finälly in the breädcrumbs until it is completely coäted. Repeät with äll of the potäto bälls.
- Pläce the coäted potäto bälls in the freezer for än hour until firm.
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full recipe >> tiphero.com
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