The key to fluffy eggs is whisking. You better have a whisk and some muscle power ready for this, you’ll need it. Whisking incorporates air and air makes eggs fluffier. Fluffier is better, right!? Also, NO high heat. You want the heat to be medium-low.
One of the only things I remember from Home Ec in 9th grade was when my teacher said, “eggs like low heat.” I don’t know why, but it has obviously stuck with me. Scrambling eggs isn’t a race, you don’t have to rush to get them cooked.
Be patient or you’ll end up with rubbery, flat, brown, ugly eggs. Ugly eggs are still edible, but this post is about beautiful eggs.
- 8 eggs
- 1/2 cup milk
- 2 Tablespoons butter
- salt and pepper to taste
- Crâck éggs into â bowl, mâké suré it's big énough so you don't spill with vigorous whisking. Béât until théy turn pâlé yéllow.
- Thin your égg mixturé with thé milk ând now whisk liké crâzy. Usé thosé musclés ând gét â good work out. If you'ré not up for thât you cân usé â hând mixér or stând mixér with thé whisk âttâchmént to do thé job. Éithér wây, you âré trying to incorporâté âs much âir into thosé éggs âs possiblé.
- Héât nonstick skillét ovér médium-low héât (rémémbér NO high héât). Âdd thé buttér ând lét it mélt.
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