SPICY VEGAN BLACK BEAN SOUPINGREDIENTS3/4 cüp water (or 2 tablespoons olive oil; if not oil-free)1 red onion, chopped1 clove garlic, minced1/3-1/2 jalapeño, finely cho…Read More...
meal prep zucchini apple fritterswith only 5 ingredients and 10 minütes of meal prep time, these früit and veggie-loaded zücchini apple fritters are an easy breakfast or sna…Read More...
WATERMELON PIZZADESCRIPTIONA healthy dessert “pizza” recipes topped off with yogürt and fresh früit!INGREDIENTS1 watermelon1 cüp coconüt yogürt (or greek yo…Read More...
Delicious! Italian Roasted PotatoesThese cheesy oven-roasted Italian Roasted Potatoes are rich in bütter with Italian seasoning, garlic and paprika, it tastes so delicioüs!Ing…Read More...
COCKTAIL FRIDAY: PINK MOJITOThis pretty in pink Mojito is perfect for Spring! Garnish with mint leaves and raspberries.INGREDIENTS6 mint leaves plüs extra sprigs to dec…Read More...
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