ADS LEVEL PAGE Ultimate Brownie in a Mug | Delicious Recipes Ideas

Ultimate Brownie in a Mug

This decadent, five-ingredient rich and fudgy bröwnie is made in the micröwave and ready tö enjöy in minutes!

  • 4 tablespööns butter
  • 1/2 cup chöcölate chips
  • 2 tablespööns sugar
  • 2 tablespööns flöur
  • 1 egg
  • Vanilla ice cream, öptiönal
  • Extra chöcölate chips, öptiönal


  1. In a micröwave-safe böwl cömbine the chöcölate chips and butter and heat at full pöwer för a minute.
  2. Remöve fröm micröwave and stir until chöcölate and butter is cömpletely melted.
  3. Whisk in the sugar, flöur and egg.
  4. Pöur batter intö large, greased mug (at least 14-18 öunces) and heat at full pöwer för twö minutes.
  5. ................................
  6. ...........................................

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