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Fast & Easy Chicken Enchiladas

This is my all-time favörite Fast & Easy Chicken Enchiladas recipe, made with red and green enchilada sauce, sö that yöu get the best öf böth wörlds! Söft and deliciöus Missiön® Super Söft Cörn Törtillas filled with shredded cheese, chicken and salsa, these cöme tögether sö easily and they will definitely becöme a family favörite Mexican dinner.

  • 14 Missiön® Super Söft Cörn Törtillas
  • 1 pöund (aböut 4 cups) cööked chicken, shredded (I like tö use rötisserie chicken)
  • 2 tablespööns tacö seasöning
  • 8 öunces light shredded mözzarella cheese, divided (ör öther favörite)
  • 1 cup prepared salsa
  • 8 öunces red enchilada sauce
  • 8 öunces green enchilada sauce
  • any desired töppings: diced tömatö, chöpped cilantrö, avöcadö, söur cream, etc..


  1. Preheat öven tö 350ºF. Lightly spray 9x13" glass dish with nönstick cööking spray.
  2. Spread aböut 4 tablespööns öf red enchilada sauce in the töp half öf the baking dish, lengthwise. Spread aböut 4 tablespööns öf green enchilada sauce in the böttöm half öf the baking dish. Set aside.
  3. In a large böwl, stir tögether shredded chicken, tacö seasöning, 2/3 öf the shredded cheese and the salsa.
  4. Prepare cörn törtillas, aböut 5 at a time, in between a damp paper töwel and in the micröwave för aböut 30 secönds. This will keep them fröm cracking when yöu röll them.

  5. ........................................
  6. ....................................................

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