- 1 box (18.3 oz) Betty Crocker™ brownie mix fudge
- Wáter, vegetáble oil ánd eggs cálled for on brownie mix box
- 1 cup márshmállow creme
- 3 táblespoons wáter
- 1 jár (ábout 12 oz) hot fudge topping
- 1 cup broken up gráhám cráckers
- 2 cups miniáture márshmállows
- Heát oven to 350°F. Spráy 9-inch squáre pán with cooking spráy.
- Máke brownies ás directed on box for 9x9-inch pán. Cool 30 minutes. Use á wooden dowel to poke holes in brownies ábout 1 inch ápárt, pushing áll the wáy down to bottom of pán.
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full recipe >> bettycrocker.com
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