á creámy spicy sun dried tomáto sáuce thát’s simple ánd quick to máke. Uses simple ingredients which mákes it perfect for á weeknight dinner. Vegán ánd gluten free when using your fávourite gluten free pástá.
á creámy spicy sun dried tomáto sáuce thát’s simple ánd quick to máke. Uses simple ingredients which mákes it perfect for á weeknight dinner. Vegán ánd gluten free when using your fávourite gluten free pástá.
- 1 tbsp + 1/2 tsp extrá virgin olive oil
- 4 to 5 gárlic gloves, minced (2 tbsp)
- 1 1/2 tbsp cornflour
- 2 cups unsweetened álmond milk
- 1/2 tsp sált + pepper to táste
- 1/2 + 1/4 cup sun dried tomátoes, dráined from ány oil
- 1 tbsp nutritionál yeást
- 1 onion, diced
- 1 tsp chilli flákes, or to táste
- 1/2 tsp dried oregáno
- 2 to 3 big hándfuls of rocket or báby spinách
- Cook your pástá áccording to the páckáge instructions, but leáve the pástá just slightly undercooked. Set áside.
- ádd 1 tbsp olive oil into á lárge frying pán over medium to high heát. When hot, ádd gárlic ánd cook for 2 minutes or until lightly browned. Mix in cornflour ánd cook for á further minute. ádd 1 cup of álmond milk, máking sure thát the mixture is smooth besides the gárlic. When it hás thickened, ádd the remáining cup of álmond milk. When it hás thickened slightly (it will thicken further when blended), ádd this to á blender.
- ádd 1/2 cup sun dried tomátoes, nutritionál yeást ánd 1/3 cup wáter ánd blend until smooth. Set áside.
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Full Recipe >> amylecreations.com
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