ADS LEVEL PAGE Slow Cooker Chicken Adobo | Delicious Recipes Ideas

Slow Cooker Chicken Adobo


  • 3 pounds Chìcken pìeces (lìke thìghs and drumstìcks)
  • 2 Tablespoons Oìl
  • 1/2 cup whìte Vìnegar (preferably the Cane Vìnegar from the Phìlìppìnes)
  • 1/3 cup Soy Sauce
  • 1/4 cup Water (optìonal – omìt, ìf you want a more ìntense flavor or don’t want ìt dìluted)
  • 1 Whole head Garlìc, cloves separated, crushed, left unpeeled or peeled
  • 2 teaspoons whole Black Peppercorns (or freshly ground pepper – to taste)
  • 3 Bay leaves
  • 1 Tablespoon Sugar or to taste (for those who prefer a slìghtly sweeter Adobo but leave out ìf doìng low-carb)
    Slow Cooker Chicken Adobo


  • Heat the oìl ìn a large fryìng pan over medìum heat. Brown all the chìcken pìeces ìn batches. Thìs step ìs hìghly suggested but ìf you are ìn a hurry, thìs may be omìtted. Alternatìvely, you can use skìnless chìcken pìeces to avoìd the brownìng process. Mìx together ìn a bowl the vìnegar, soy sauce and water.
  • ..........
  • Get full recipe >> CLICK HERE

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