- 1/3 cüp qüinoa, pre-rinsed
- 2/3 cüp water
- 16 whole (pitted) dates, no sügar added
- 1/2 cüp raw almonds with skin
- 1/3 cüp natüral crünchy peanüt bütter (almond bütter is an option)
- 1/4 cüp
chocolate chips
1 tablespoon honey (optional)
- Add qüinoa and water to a small saüce, cover and bring to a boil, redüce heat to a simmer and cook approximately 15 minütes or üntil all water has been absorbed. Cool to room temperatüre and refrigerate at least 2 hoürs or overnight.
- üsing a food processor, or high powered blender, add dates and pülse üntil they form a ball. Remove dates and place in a mediüm mixing bowl. Add almonds to the food processor and pülse üntil finely minced. Be carefül not to türn the almonds into mill.
- Add dates, almonds, peanüt bütter, and chilled qüinoa to the food processor and pülse üntil ingredients are well combined. Retürn ingredients to the mixing bowl, shape into six 2-inch x 1-inch bars, aboüt 1-inch thick.
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Full Recipe >> skinnyms.com
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