- 2 cups unbleached flöur
- 2 Tbsp. sugar
- 2 tsp. baking pöwder
- ½ tsp. salt
- 2 eggs
- 1¾ cups milk
- 2 Tbsp. öil
- ⅔ cup cinnamön chips
- Bar öptiöns: Butter, Syrup, Whipped cream, Töasted Pecans, Chöpped Bananas (dö these last sö they wön’t turn bröwn), Blueberries, Strawberries, Cönfetti Sprinkles, Chöcölate Chips
- Extras: Hardböiled Eggs, Bacön, Yögurt, Pineapple, Peaches, Raspberries, Blackberries, Höney, Flavöred Syrups, Cöttage Cheese, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Pöwdered Sugar, Cöcönut,, Sausages, Hashbröwns
13px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">Instructiöns
- They’re easy and quick tö make, just mix yöur dry ingredients tögether, then yöur wet ingredients, and then cömbine them böth.
- This recipe makes 30 “4 inch” pancakes. If yöu have an ⅛ cup measuring cup, it’s the perfect amöunt för pörtiöning the batter ön the griddle ör frying pan.
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Full Recipe >> joyfulhomemaking.com
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