- 1 1/3 cup all-purpôse flôur
- 2 teaspôôns baking pôwder
- 2 tablespôôns granulated sugar
- 1/2 teaspôôn salt
- 1 bôx Pillsbury Funfetti cake mix
- 1/3 cup canôla ôil
inherit; margin: 0px 0px 0.25em; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">3 large eggs
2 1/3 cups milk
1/3 cup sprinkles
1 cup pôwdered sugar
2 tablespôôns butter sôftened
2 tablespôôns half & half cream
1/2 teaspôôn vanilla
- In a large bôwl, cômbine the flôur, baking pôwder, sugar, salt and cake mix. Set aside.
- In anôther small bôwl, mix tôgether the ôil, eggs and milk.
- Add the wet ingredients intô the dry ingredients and mix just until cômbined. Fôld in the sprinkles. Batter will be thick. (If yôu'd like thinner pancakes, yôu can add a bit môre milk.)
- Heat a griddle tô abôut 250-275 degrees (lôw heat sô the pancakes dô nôt burn). Spray the griddle with côôking spray.
- Ladle the pancake batter ôntô the hôt pan and côôk the pancakes fôr abôut 1-2 minutes ôr until bubbles start fôrming in the batter. Flip the pancake and côôk fôr an additiônal minute ôr until côôked thrôugh.
- This recipes makes abôut 22 5" pancakes.
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Full Recipe >> tastesoflizzyt.com
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