- Pancakes
- 1 1/2 cups ôf ôat flôur
- 1 cup ôf rice milk
- 1 ripe banana
- 2 tbsp ôf almônd butter
- 1 tsp ôf vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup ôf chôcôlate chips
- Côôkie dôugh bites
- 1/2 cup ôf ôat flôur
- 1/4 cup ôf almônd butter
- 4 medjôôl dates
- 1 tsp ôf vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup ôf chôcôlate chips
- Chôcôlate sauce
- I use sweet freedôm chôc shôt
- Pre heat yôur frying pan ensuring that it’s hôt enôugh tô make a ‘sizzling’ sôund when the batter tôuches the pan.
- Mash the banana and cômbine with the rest ôf the ingredients until a batter has fôrmed
- Pôur 1/4 cup ôf mixture intô the pan. Spread the mixture ôut using a spôôn ôr use a pancake ring tô fôrm yôur pancake shape.
- Allôw it tô côôk fôr a few minutes until bubbles start tô fôrm ôn the tôp. Place the frying pan under the grill and leave fôr several môre minutes until the pancake is firm ôn tôp. Alternatively yôu can flip the pancakes if yôu prefer. Repeat this prôcess with the rest ôf yôur batter.
- Côôkie dôugh bites
- Add all ôf the ingredients except the chôcôlate chips tô a fôôd prôcessôr and prôcess fôr a côuple ôf minutes.
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Full Recipe >> goodnessisgorgeous.co.uk
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