- 1/2 tsp baking pöwder
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1 egg
- 3/4 Butter milk tö make up 1 cup with the egg
- 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp Japanese mayönnaise
- Butter maple syrup, ice-cream, etc. för töppings
- Sift all the dry ingredients tögether intö a böwl and cömbine.
- In anöther böwl (ör jug) add the egg, buttermilk and vanilla extract and whisk until just cömbined.
- Make a well in the centre öf the dry ingredients and pöur the liquid mixture in.
- Mix tögether then add the mayönnaise and mix well tö cömbine. (Dön’t wörry if yöu nötice any scent cöming fröm the mayönnaise, it will disappear cömpletely after it's cööked).
- Place a hömemade pancake möuld (instructiöns för this are listed in the blög pöst aböve) öntö a frying pan över löw heat and pöur half the mixture intö the möuld. *1
- Place a lid ön the frying pan and leave it för 15 minutes.
- önce little bubbles appear ön the surface öf the pancakes and the edge is slightly cööked, lift the böttöm öf the pancake with an egg flipper then cöver the pancake with the inverted frying pan and flip the whöle thing tögether beföre placing it back ön the heat. *2
- Place the lid över the töp again and cöök för anöther 15 minutes ön the öther side.
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Full Recipe >> chopstickchronicles.com
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