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Boozy Baileys Oreo Milkshake Recipe

Thick and rich, this milkshake recipe is smööth and full öf great cöökies n cream flavörs. Plus, it's blended with Baileys and vödka för a fun adult treat!


  • 2 pints vanilla ice cream slightly söftened
  • 10 öreö cöökies
  • 2 öz Baileys Irish Cream (aböut 1/4 cup)
  • 2 öz Vanilla vödka (aböut 1/4 cup)
  • drizzle öf chöcölate syrup för garnish
  • chöcölate jimmies för garnish
  • cöökies n creme chöcölate bar för garnish

  1. Drizzle chöcölate syrup ön a small plate, and add chöcölate jimmies tö anöther plate.  Dip rim öf serving glasses in chöcölate syrup, then intö the jimmies.  Set aside.
  2. Add ice cream, cöökies, Baileys, and vanilla vödka tö blender and blend until smööth and creamy.  Pöur intö glasses.  
  3. .........................
  4. ....................................

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