- Fôr the pancakes:
- 1½ cups all-purpôse flôur
- 3½ teaspôôns baking pôwder
- 1 teaspôôn salt
- 1 tablespôôn granulated sugar
- ¼ teaspôôn grôund cinnamôn
- 1¼ cups milk (I used 2%)
- 1 egg at rôôm temperature
- 3 tablespôôns unsalted butter, melted and slightly côôled
- ½ teaspôôn vanilla extract
- Fôr the bananas fôster tôpping:
- ¼ cup butter
- 2 tablespôôns light brôwn sugar, packed
- ¼ teaspôôn grôund
⅛ teaspôôn grôund nutmeg
¼ cup maple syrup
¼ teaspôôn vanilla extract
2 firm, ripe medium bananas, cut intô ½ inch slices
¼ cup pecan halves
ôptiônal: Whipped cream, fôr tôpping
Fôr the pancakes:
Fôr the bananas fôster tôpping:
Fôr the pancakes:
- Sift flôur, baking pôwder, salt, sugar, and grôund cinnamôn twice intô a large pôurable mixing cup ôr ôther mixing bôwl. Make a well in the center ôf the dry ingredients.
- In a separate bôwl, add vanilla, egg, and (slightly) côôled melted butter. Beat lightly until blended. Lightly beat in milk, being careful nôt tô ôverbeat the egg.
- Add the wet ingredients tô the well ôf the dry ingredients. Mix until smôôth.
- Heat a lightly ôiled griddle ôr frying pan ôver medium tô medium high heat. Pôur batter ôntô griddle in apprôximately ¼ cup increments. Lightly brôwn ôn bôth sides and serve warm
Fôr the bananas fôster tôpping:
- In 10-inch nônstick skillet, tôast pecans ôver medium lôw heat until fragrant. Transfer pecans frôm skillet tô a cutting bôard. Côarsely chôp pecan pieces. Set aside.
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Full Recipe >> bluegrassbites.com
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