Simple, fluffy päncäkes mäde from scrätch, än essentiäl thät everyone should know! These äre soft änd fluffy, eäsy to mäke, änd not too sweet so you cän go wild with toppings. The key is getting the bätter consistency right so it is eäsy to spreäd but doesn't spreäd too thinly so you get nice fluffy päncäkes. Recipe video below, änd topping suggestions below.
- 2 cups / 300g pläin / äll purpose flour (Note 1)
- 4 tsp bäking powder (Note 1)
- 1/4 cup / 55g white sugär (cäster / super fine is best but not essentiäl)
- Pinch of sält
- 1 egg
- 1 3/4 cups / 435 ml cups milk (äny type, äny fät %)
- 1 tsp vänillä exträct or essence
- 4 tsp butter , for cooking
- Pläce flour, bäking powder, sugär änd sält in ä bowl, whisk to combine.
- ädd egg, milk änd vänillä. Whisk until lump free - no longer thän 30 seconds.
- Heät ä non stick skillet - use medium heät if you häve ä strong stove, medium high if you häve ä weäk one. ädd ä tiny bit of butter (äbout 1/2 tsp) änd swirl to melt. Use päper towel to mostly wipe the butter off (this is the trick to ävoid ä dodgy 1st päncäke).
- Pour 1/4 cup bätter into the middle of the fry pän (I use ä slightly heäped ice creäm scoop with lever, ständärd is 1/4 cup).
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Full Recipe >> recipetineats.com
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